April 20th 1814 -

The Day That Set You Energy Independent

(and you don’t even know it… YET)

Is it energy freedom that you are looking for? Hear my story!

On a Saturday evening, Doctor Robert Stirling sat in his tiny room at his table with a bunch of drawings…


Something extraordinary had just happened, and with tears in his eyes… after 12 years of relentless work and struggle… he ran outside with a big smile on his face and yelled at the top of his lungs: “GOOOD…. Thank you!”

It was that moment he realized that he had discovered the amazing device that would change the world. It was the first day that a GREEN AND CLEAN ENERGY DEVICE was implemented, and to this day remains the ONLY one ever invented.

(rare picture of the original drawing)

🡺 It is the same GREEN energy device that was secretly used by Hitler, to power his bunker back in 1945 when enemies were at the gates… and used by the Nazi army to propel their U-Boats, which were able to run INDEPENDENTLY for months at a time underwater.

🡺 It is the same UNBOUND energy miracle that has been silently used by NASA to propel their space machines… since the start of 1983 and all the information has been hidden in official documents such as the one below:

🡺 It is the same ENERGY INDEPENDENCE device that BIG ENERGY COMPANIES didn’t want to make public for almost 200 years and spent billions of dollars keeping BURIED. 

… and YES… it is the same discovery that everyone kept hidden from your very eyes… UNTIL TODAY!!!

The following free video presentation will no doubt blow your mind. It will make you very angry because for so many years you’ve been treated like a puppet. 

This video presentation will give you THE POWER to SPIT in the face of all the greedy fat cats who have made you “bleed” cash, month after month… to the sum of hundreds of dollars… on expensive electricity… while you could have gotten everything for free.

This eye opener will allow you to discover the “3 Patents” that you can use to get the green energy device, which will slash your electricity bills by up to 79.6% almost overnight… this information can help any PATRIOT regain his Energy Freedom  in just a few days with close to zero investment. 

Ladies and gentlemen… hold your breath and take a look at this 200-year-old miracle invention that is about to change your life:

Before going any further and out of respect for the man who made all these things possible, allow me to take a few moments and tell you the story of doctor Robert STIRLING. 

He was a stubborn Scottish genius, who felt at a young age that he could change the world. He studied at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow and was known as an authority on steam engines and electric generators amongst the science community at the time. 

He inherited a passion for engineering from his father… who ironically died in a steam engine boiler explosion. It was at that moment that a young and determined Robert would decide to invent something safer, cheaper, and more efficient than anything else at the time… He didn’t care about making a profit from the invention. He was hoping that he could make the world a better place. 

After months of hard work and countless tests he “gave birth” to the impossible. He discovered something that no human being could even dream of: THE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE ENGINE. 

It is for the above reasons that this information has been kept secret to this day… even though times have changed, greed has remained the same.

Doctor Stirling fought as much as he could to have his invention applied on a grand scale… following his dream of “green and clean energy for anyone”.  Unfortunately, he died in 1878 without accomplishing his dream. Big fat cats did all they could to have his work banned…. And they succeeded. 

Although all the characteristics of the Stirling Engine were an amazing breakthrough (even in today’s world), the same greedy fat cats that censored Stirling, are now paying millions of dollars to their executives out of our pocketbooks… and are making billions of dollars every single year… and have done their best to shut down all talks of unlimited energy at every corner. However, I’m talking about an invention that… 

My name is Ryan Rice and with your permission I’m about to reveal to you the naked truth about the energy INDEPENDENCE device that can make your life better and cut your electricity costs by 79.8% or more with some simple tricks that anyone can do. 

I know! I’m aware that my video will piss off a lot of powerful people. I know that this video might not be here for long (therefore I advise you to watch it now…until it is too late). But despite all that, I don’t care. 

All I care about is that you know THE TRUTH. You need to know that you’ve been lied to and ripped off all your life… being forced to pay thousands of dollars each year for electricity that you would have gotten UNRESTRAINED… thanks to doctor Stirling’s invention. 

Why am I doing this? Maybe I’m just crazy and I don’t have anything to lose. I’ve lived my life to its fullest and I don’t have any regrets. I’m old enough not to be sorry if something happens to me after releasing this video. 

I found out about this invention a year ago and I couldn’t find peace of mind ever since. Just so you know…I’ve been a scientist, and a researcher, and currently hold 4 degrees in non-conventional engineering. (for obvious reason I cannot tell you more details here) 

I’m a PATRIOT more than anything else… and I cannot let my people be ripped off by the greedy big energy companies anymore. So please consider this as my “moral will” for the country that has given me so much… 

I don’t want to be the whistle blower who takes credit for all of this. I’m not the only one in the world who has ever tried to bring this amazing invention back to the people. Even after the death of “the father of free energy” (doctor Robert Stirling) there were some brave people who really fought for this idea.

The first scientist that tried, was actually the man who rediscovered Stirling’s prototype in a university cellar, back in 1890. He was none other than Lord Kelvin, the renowned English scientist. He repaired the prototype, made it work again, and fully understood its principle… But even with his influence and power, he just couldn’t overcome the ever-growing Big Oil Companies.

In 1938, another well-known name in the industry, the Philips company, developed and fitted an automobile with a compact Stirling engine that had more than 200 horsepower… With an efficiency above 30%… which may not seem like much, but when considering that a normal gasoline engine only has a 10% efficiency, the Stirling engine proves to be 3 times better.

Unfortunately, for the same “competitive” reasons that seem to plague the invention, this application did not meet the success it truly deserved.

This is real life. We’re not in a Hollywood film where you always find a happy ending. It looks like the good guys were just not meant to win; until now… 

Oh, and furthermore, there’s a separate category of people (very powerful ones) who knew about this… but didn’t want to share it with anyone. 

Some of them were malefic. I’m sure you’ve heard of HITLER and his mighty NAZI army. I’ve recently found a forgotten file that says that after he took control over Germany in 1933… the first order for German scientists was to find a very efficient source of energy. After 5 years of research, the scientists presented to HITLER the STIRLING ENGINE (the one that you’re about to discover today) as the ONLY and most efficient source of GREEN ENERGY. 

Although Hitler hated the Brits… his words were “THIS LITTLE ENGLISHMAN WILL HELP US WIN THE WAR WITH HIS INVENTION”.

It should be also noted that the green energy engine was implemented on a huge scale in the NAZI army… on U-boats. He even got a device installed on his personal bunker that could generate unlimited green energy.

The fact that the Nazi army used the Stirling GREEN Energy Device at such a scale should tell you something… 

Another example of the use of the information was in the 1970s and 1980s when several companies like “General Motors” and “Ford” were researching information on the Stirling Engine but for an unknown reason they suddenly stopped all the research and quit working with the idea. I’m guessing the reasons were pretty obvious… and I think you probably already know the reasons as well.

Even in our modern times, the device has come into the public eye… on March 20, 2002 a scientist (I’m not allowed to tell you his name) had delivered one of his KY-200 Stirling engines to the Mechanical Engineering department of San Diego State University. While he was there, he had the opportunity to see their hybrid diesel/electric car. It had a 60 hp diesel engine and a 200hp electric motor… the extra power came from the Stirling device.  Of course, too little has been publicized about this… as everyone continues to try to keep it in the dark. 

Let’s not forget about NASA… what I’m going to tell you now might be classified, and I’m a bit anxious to share…but I’m going to do it anyway: 

NASA has developed a Stirling Engine known as Stirling Radioisotope (SRG) Generator designed to generate electricity for deep space probes on long lasting missions. The heat source is a dry, solid nuclear fuel slug, and the cold source is space itself. This device converter produces about four times more electric power from the plutonium fuel than a radioisotope thermoelectric generator.

It looks as though only “smart” people can benefit from the best… and regular people like you and I don’t have the RIGHT to access something this good. Does that seem fair? 

No, really… I’m sure you’re watching Discovery Channel and all the Science TV Channels on a regular basis. Have you ever seen something about the STIRLING GREEN ENERGY ENGINE?  I’m certain you haven’t … and you won’t… because I have it on good authority to believe that this invention is not allowed to go worldwide. 

They need us. Big energy companies need us to pay their huge salaries… their hunting and fishing trips… their $500,000 luxury cars… their yachts … Meanwhile we have to struggle daily to save every penny in order to pay the enormous electricity bills. 

I don’t know if you’re having financial hardships… but EVEN if you’re well off… it is not right to be forbidden  to take advantage of this. At least this is the way I see it…

I could go on and on with this big conspiracy that has been created around the most important discovery in terms of energy: the Stirling Green Energy Engine…. But I’m sure you get the point by now. 

What would you do if a fat cat big energy CEO were in front of you right now? Would you spit in his face? Would you punch him? I would… but I don’t want to push you to do such crazy things… 

I don’t know if you’re having financial hardships… but EVEN if you’re well off… it is not right to be forbidden  to take advantage of this. At least this is the way I see it… 

Enough with these greedy bastards… let me tell you what a STIRLING GREEN ENERGY ENGINE is and how it works… 

Here’s what it’s about:

Until a while ago, it would have been impossible to buy the Stirling Engine from anywhere. It still is… but this doesn’t mean you can’t use one.

While it’s forbidden for anyone to try and build the device industrially and sell it  for profit or gain (because of patent infringement)…

… no one says you can’t MAKE one and generate your own electricity!

It’s easier than you might think… even if you’ve never built anything before. Especially if you’ve never built anything before!

Remember when we mentioned Robert’s fondness for simple inventions? Well, his engine was THAT kind of invention: something incredibly simple to assemble… yet so genuinely different from anything else you’ve ever seen, you’ll slap yourself for not trying it before.

Yet Robert’s invention was not meant for DIY. Simple as it was, it was still pretty difficult to build for the average guy.

And even though you can find Robert’s original blueprints on a few websites… you’ll discover that without the proper instructions, they’re pretty useless.

And that’s where I come into the picture.

I’ve assembled a crack team of scientists and engineers (most of them my colleagues) … and with their help, we’ve created a quick and easy guide you can use to make your own Stirling Generator – and…

Slash Your Electric Bill By 79.8%.. Or More… 

In As Little As A Month!


Here’s a perfect drawing of how it looks and feels:

and this is how it works:

The results are impressive. Because once you discover just how easy it is to build the Stirling Engine…

What’s even more impressive… is that the Stirling Engine is very light, portable and powerful and even on a smaller scale, it is one of the best “emergency” generators you could ever hope to use. 

Unlike solar panels, it won’t get blown off the roof by strong winds or hurricanes. That’s because you can install it in your basement, or in your back yard… and not worry about weather conditions for one second. 

And unlike conventional “portable” generators…

There Are No Fumes… And You Don’t Have To 

Spend Hundreds Of Dollars On Fuel!

In fact, there’s very little to spend at all. Except for a simple maintenance check every few months, the generator is basically built for a “set and forget” style machine. And because the low-friction design makes it so silent, you won’t even hear it running! 

It’s no wonder people are raving about it. 

In the short time we’ve made this available to the public, those who’ve tried the device have received impressive results.

“Since choosing to invest in The Stirling Engine System I have been blown away. This is a MUST HAVE for all families. I especially love the follow-along instructions that's included inside, because you explain things in such a simple manner.
If someone like me who has never built something before can do this with no sweat, anyone can. Bravo!”.
Daniel Hess from Florida
“Every single winter I'd find myself getting in fights with my wife over the thermostat settings. My wife even went so far as to call me "cruel", a few times, which really hurt. But while I hated seeing her so miserable, the reality was that we simply couldn't afford to keep the temperature in our home above 67 degrees. Since watching your presentation however, all of that's changed. Using the simple system you told me about, I was able to heat my whole apartment without spending a single penny on gas.
Now, I keep the thermostat sent to a toasty 74 degrees and my wife is THRILLED that she no longer needs to wear a jacket while she's cooking dinner. And I'm thrilled that we're no longer fighting and that I was able to provide such an effective solution! Thanks, Ryan! ”.
Mark Pearlman from Austin, Texas
“At first, it was hard for me to believe that the only things I needed to power my home were already in my backyard. I'm already stingy when i comes to my energy use, and I didn't think it would be possible to get my bill much more than $120 or so per month I typically paid.
After watching your presentation however, I was so impressed with your system that I decided to try it for myself. And all I can say is WOW, Not only were your building instructions incredibly easy to follow, but the finished product rally works. I can't even tell you how good it felt to open my first energy bill after building this, and see that it was just for a measly $17. Every month since then, I've saved at least $100 on my power bills each month, and I couldn't be happier.
Thank so much for putting this information online for people to see!”.
72-year-old Matthew Jensen from Colorado

And hundreds of others who are now paying less than half of what they used to… and saving thousands of dollars each year on electricity, because of the Stirling Engine. 

The bottom line is, if you want to “cut the cord” and free yourself from the electric company…

You Need To Hear All About The Stirling Engine Blueprints and Instructions.

We took Robert Stirling’s intricate designs… originally created for the industrial manufacturing of his hot-air engine… and “translated” them into plain-English, so that anyone – no matter what age or skill – can make their own electricity and reduce their electricity bills up to 90% or even more.

Digital Product. Image for visualization purpose only.

Here’s what you’ll find inside this simple, step-by-step instructions:

Remember – Robert Stirling used 1800s technology for his inventions… and they still work today. That’s why, even though the Stirling Engine isn’t something you’d call “pretty” … it’s incredibly easy to build, even for a complete newbie with today’s technology and knowledge. 

The Stirling Engine is an amazing device that’s already changing thousands of lives all around the world. We’ve received reports of people saving as little as 35% on electric costs… and as much as 120% (that is… they’re now producing more electricity than they need…)

Just Imagine What You Could Do If You Weren't Forced To Spend $100 Or More Every Single Month For Electricity.

Or, if your case is worse… and you’re among those who are forced to shell out $300 or more on electricity each month – the Stirling Engine could help you save more than $3500 a year!

You can suddenly free funds to take care of other expenses… like improving your home, or taking your spouse to a nice dinner every once in a while. Or you can simply use this extra cash to make your retirement more enjoyable. The choice is yours – and the electric company will be picking up the tab for it all

It would make a lot of sense to charge a great deal for the Stirling Engine instructions and Solar-Tracker blueprints. 

But we won’t do that. 

In fact, the only reason we even charge a fee for these amazing documents is to cover our Research & Development expenses… but most of all, to pay our legal fees that keep piling up. 

Even so, we won’t charge an arm and a leg for the Stirling Engine Blueprints & Instructions . 

So, here’s the deal: 

You’ll get immediate access to all the blueprints and instructions, the step-by-step DIY Solar Tracker manual, and the lists of tools and supplies… for just $49.97… That’s probably a lot less than you’re paying each month on electricity… and you can recoup that investment in as little as 30 days. 

Getting the step-by-step blueprints for the Stirling Engine is easy. Just click the yellow “Order Now” button below, and you’ll be taken to our secure order page. 

TODAY ONLY $99 $49.95

And the price doesn’t even matter. That’s because you’re protected by our “No Questions Asked Money back Guarantee” for a full 60 days.

It’s simple: 

Get the blueprints today… and put them to the test. 

See how easy it is to make your own electricity with a Stirling Engine. 

Watch as your power meter slows down the moment you plug your generator in. And see what it’s like to slash your electric bill by 50%… 75% or more… in less than 2 months. 

You have 60 days to decide whether this was a good investment or not. 

And if you’re less than thrilled with how much you’re saving on electricity, just write me a short email at the address you’ll find in the members area. We’ll give you an immediate refund – even if it’s the 23rd hour of the 59th day. 

So go on – click the yellow “Order Now” button now – and get the Stirling Engine blueprints and instructions risk free:

So go on – click the yellow “Order Now” button now – and get the Stirling Engine blueprints and instructions risk free:

TODAY ONLY $99 $49.95

But you need to move fast. This isn’t the first time I am attempting to make Robert Stirling’s work public. The first time we did it, we were able to keep the doors open for almost two weeks, until the electric companies found out about it. Almost 500 people got access to the blueprints and instructions, and the success stories have been pouring ever since. 

But when Big Energy and Big Oil set their legal hounds on us…

I Was Forced To Take The Website Down!

…and “close shop” for almost a few months. Now we’re back online – and hoping that this time we’ll be able to stay up for more than just two weeks. 

But the fact is, I don’t have the money, nor the mental strength to be constantly battling an army of lawyers… so this could be taken down at any time

The choice should be obvious. 

For less than the price of your monthly electric bill… you can do more than just cut your electric bill by 50% or 75%. 

You’ll also be sending a powerful message to the electric companies. 

You’re showing them that you can take a stand – and that you can become “energy independent” on your own, without needing a single Watt of their expensive electricity. 

And just imagine how your life will be just two months after making the Stirling Engine. 

Picture this: You’re coming home from work, and you notice there’s a fresh envelope in the mail. It’s a bill from the electric company… but as you rip it open, you notice that something’s different: 

This time, the amount is a couple of times smaller than the previous one, meaning that you have discovered a way to enjoy as much energy as you need with an incredibly small amount of money. This way you will be able to put all that money aside, invest in yourself or spend a relaxing and well worthed vacation with your dear one. Does it sound appealing?! 

And month after the month, you will get the same relaxed feeling that comes with not owing anyone a red cent

You’re finally free and independent… no longer trapped inside a “legal monopoly” that’s holding you at gunpoint.  

The Stirling Engine is about something bigger and more important than money. It’s about regaining your freedom – and taking a stand. 

Now, you can send a message to the Big Monopolists “fat cats” … and show them that you’re no longer depending on them. And really… the road to energy independence starts with the push of a button. 

So go on – click the yellow “Order Now” button below – and claim your energy independence now

TODAY ONLY $99 $49.95

P.S. There are some questions that I keep receiving from people, and I’ll try to answer a few here. 

One question we keep getting is“Do I need any technical skills to build the Stirling Generator?”

The short answer to this is “no, you don’t”. Sure, some DIY experience is always good… but if you don’t have any, don’t worry… you’ll still be able to make a Stirling Generator and become energy independent. You’ll just need to pay a little more attention to the blueprints, that’s all. 

Another question we get is… “What can I use the generator for? Is this just for show?”

The Stirling Engine is more than just a cool gadget you can show off to your neighbors. 

You can use it to power up any household appliances… or even an entire home. 

You can even use it as a portable source of energy, when you’re on the road or when you go camping with your family.

 That’s because the technology is scalable – and once you get the hang of it, you can make bigger and bigger generators for little extra cost.

Here’s another one people are asking“How much do the parts cost?”

To build a small-scale Stirling Engine, you’ll need about $45 worth of parts that you can order at any metal-works shop and electric store.

 If you want to scale it up, and get more electricity, you’ll need more expensive parts, but you’ll find that you can easily power up an entire home with under $100 in total costs. 

Another frequent question is: “How do I get Robert Stirling’s blueprints and instructions for building a hot-air engine”?

It’s simple: When you click the “Order Now” button below, you’ll be taken to our secure order page on one of the world’s largest merchants, Clickbank. 

They are processing tens of thousands of secure payments each day so you risk nothing. Plus, you’re covered by our No Questions-Asked Guarantee for a full 60 Days. 

Once you have completed the payment, you’ll be taken to a special “members area” where you’ll get all the Stirling blueprints and instructions.

To get the blueprints and instructions for the Stirling Engine, click the yellow “Add to cart” button below:

TODAY ONLY $99 $49.95

I truly look forward to hearing about your success using the Stirling Generator.

@StirlingFreePower.com.  All rights reserved.

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